Our Makerspaces are People-centric.

And we know that when we provide people the tools to create, amazing things follow. But we also know that that’s not all it takes: to really unlock the potential a makerspace presents, people need knowledge too.

That’s where our Education programmes come in. 

Makerspace People has devised and designed a wide range of educational materials and supports to ensure that knowledge need never a barrier for anyone to use our facilities. Users can start out with one of our Safety and Basic Use (SBU) classes - a primary, introductory class for members to gain the information they need to get started on any piece of machinery - and then progress and expand their skills with pathway classes or workshops. These classes can all be staff-led, and we can teach your in-house team to deliver this content effectively and confidently. 

In addition to providing training and content for learning opportunities for makerspace users, we believe that every makerspace is a natural platform for supporting the educational goals of a wider community too. We can help you realise the potential of your space to meet STEM/ STEAM educational needs of young people through schools and after-school programmes; to provide a ‘third space’ to your local university or college for hands-on learning; to offer rapid training and retraining opportunities to local businesses and workforce – or how to cultivate a space that serves as a valuable common ground between all these innovative minds. 

Some of the Education Programming components Makerspace People can work with you to develop include the following:

  • Training & Courses

  • STEAM Planning

  • Workforce and Employment Training 

  • Curriculum Engagement

  • Complete Education Package